Blog Articles

What if corporates helped facilitate what people liked doing OUTSIDE of their work?
What would THAT world look like ?

Learn about financial freedom.





Here’s and idea:
What if a corporate sat each person down and asked them what they really loved doing, outside of work, and then said “we are going to try help you do more of that”. WOW – imagine.

It didn’t need to be anything amazing either – say one loved:
playing hockey socially – so the corporate paid for their shirt, or paid the person’s annual club fees.

Or theatre so the corporate bought them 2 tickets to any 2 shows.
Or spending time with the family – so they get Marwell Zoo ( season tickets for the family.
I love teaching Financial Freedom ( )so I would get them to buy 20 of my books and they’d give them out for free to staff.

So, nothing huge, and maybe not everyone every year – but SOMETHING,
I’d prefer that to a Christmas party where people get drunk and the people too scared to hit on me when sober, do it in a slobberish/rude drunken way.

Just an Idea……

Podcast interview

I did an interview on Financial Independence with Joshua Mills  today – the link will be up soon. 
He does a podcast called The Art of Money .
More information about the Podcast here:

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